Trip Sipadan, Sabah

Tapi kali ini nak cuba nasib ke Sipadan Water Village Resort di Pulau Mabul...hahahaha antara resort yang dikatakan hi-class fulamak...RM 1050 3 hari 2 malam...apa lagi...aku tengok web site pun dah aku booking aje...awal2 bulan Feb dah kena keluar duit seribu lebih...wooooo, ok la...nak p jugak..yang agak risau...permit Sipadan....hmmmm seorang RM 40 memang la tak mahal dan tak murah...tapi Pulau pelik tuh dihad pula kemasukan...ehari 120...entah la...sebulan awal aku booking entah geng selam dah penuh ke tak...aku harap2lah dapat masuk tuh...

Apa kelengkapan untuk ke Sipadan...hahahaah sudah tentu baju mandi....kakkakakak 1 or 2 piece kakakakaka...semua tak ada la...aku pakai seluar biasa aje la...tapi betapa nasib baik aku dapat la juga 2 piece kekeekek jenama triump fuh...warna biru...comel tak seksi...kakakak....dengan harga RM 80 hmmmmm buat ape nak beli...kakakak tapi teringin juga la...konon2 nak merasai betul2 on the beach ni....
Ok pakej resort, fligth Air Asia palinggggg murah 0.55 sen aje...sejak tahun lepas aku booking...semua dah ok...ape lagi ? Tak pandai renang la...aduiii kesiannya aku...tapi tak kisah coz aku memang tak suka air aktiviti aku adalah nak candat sotong dan snap photo aje...
So camera pula yang aku dan Nikon F 65 aku tak leh tangkap dalam air, walaupun kat air terpaksa la...aku potong duit makan kuih aku keluar...sebanyak RM 159.90 untuk beli camera underwater...LOMO kids....kakkakak padan muka hang puak suka LOMO pi la beli kat kedai embassy LOMO kat booking bukan main...sampai sana terus beli la...warna orange dan biru covernya....fuhhhh comel loteh beratlah badan aku nak herat ke 3 kamera ni nanti....tak termasuk tripod tuh....kekeekek padan muka...letih pula kali ini...coz nak ambik gambar pelbagai angle dan konon2 kreatif la tuh....
So sekarang tunggu p saja...semua dah siap disediakan...hanya sunblock dan glasses lagi la....bukan nak bergaya mcm model pun...tapi nak jaga...coz mata dan kulit aku memang elegic la...tak suka panas...kalu sejuk ok lagi...
So tunggu trip di Sipadan...kali ke 4 ke Sabah....tapi kali ini ke Pantai dan Pulau pun...sebelum ini naik gunung perkampungan kawan aku aje...dah dalam trip ini aku akan ke Park Kinabalu juga...nak ambil udara nyaman juga la...:)
That all...infomation Sipadan Island...the best place for snorkling...scuba diving...but i'm non-diver just got to snap photo and relax my mind .... i think nice...nice...nice place...firts time full trip On The Beach...actualy i don;t like beach or water....but now try to this summer...:)
After 3 day 2 nit at Sipadan Water village...i also go to Kinabalu park...for fourth time...heheheeh like to see Kinabalu Mountain...nice...nice...:)
I already by Underwater camera...from Lomo Kids...kakakakk coz wanna snap Sipadan or near Mabul resort...Hope i got nice snap dan best situation for me...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sipadan is the only oceanic island in Malaysia, rising 2,000 feet or 600m from the seabed. It is located in the Celebes Sea east of the major town of Tawau and off the coast of East Malaysia on the Island of Borneo.
It was formed by living corals growing on top of an extinct volcanic cone that took thousands of years to develop. Sipadan is located at the heart of the Indo-Pacific basin, the centre of one of the richest marine habitats in the world. More than 3,000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this ecosystem.
Normally rare diving scenes are frequently seen in the waters around Sipadan: schools of greenback turtles and hawksbill turtles nesting and mating, schools of barracuda & big-eye trevally in tornado-like formations, pelagic species such as manta rays, eagle rays, scalloped hammerhead sharks and whale sharks.
A mysterious turtle tomb lies underneath the column of the island, formed by an underwater limestone cave with a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers that contain many skeletal remains of turtles that have become lost and drown before finding the surface.
Sipadan Water Villageoffers you the excitement of superb diving along with comfort and relaxation. The village, fringed by beautiful corals, pearl white sands and amazing marine beauty, is the epitome of class and luxury.
Sipadan Water Village is located on the island of Mabul. This small island surrounded by sandy beaches and perched on the northwest corner of a larger 200-hecter reef is notably known as one of the worlds best "muck-diving" sites. The reef is on the edge of a continental shelf and the seabed surrounding the reef slopes out to 75 to 100 feet deep. Mabul is arguably one of the riches single destinations for exotic small marine life anywhere in the world. Flamboyant cuttlefish, blue-ringed octopus, mimic octopus and bobtail squids are just a few of the numerous types of cephalapods found. The sight of harlequin shrimp feeding on sea stars and boxer crabs waving their tiny anemone pom-poms are just a small example of the endless species of crustaceans. The list seemingly endless, it would be easier to list the species not found at Mabul - crazy critters are in abundance at this magical macro site!